Dictionnaire anglais–français

Traduction française du mot anglais aim

anglais → français
anglaisfrançais (traduit indirectement)espéranto
(goal; purpose; target; butt; end; intent; objective; destination; object)
🔗 Despite Ukrainian president Volodomyr Zelensʹkyj’s stated aim of returning Crimea to Kyiv’s rule, Milanović also said the Black Sea peninsula annexed by Moscow in 2014 would remain part of Russia.
(attempt; endeavour; take steps; undertake; strive; set about; busy oneself about; try hard; exert oneself; bother)
se démener
(attempt; endeavour; try; exert; strain; strive; bid)
(mean; target; aim at; aim for; be after)
🔗 One should aim to have all of these to meet the requirements of teaching Tagalog to foreigners.
(mean; aim; target; aim for; be after)
🔗 There was nothing to aim at.

aim braquer; but; décocher; diriger; lancer; viser
aim at avoir l’intention de; braquer; diriger contre; décocher à; lancer sur; viser; viser à
his aim is to il a pour but de
miss one’s aim manquer son coup
take aim viser
take aim at viser
with the aim of dans le but de