Spanish–English dictionary

English translation of the Spanish word salce

Spanish → English
SpanishEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(salguero; sauce blanco; sauce blanco salado; sauce reluciente)
white willow
(mimbrera; mimbrera frágil)
crack willow
brittle willow
salce blanco
(salguero; sauce blanco; sauce blanco salado; sauce reluciente)
white willow
salce blanco
(sauce cabruno; zargatillo)
goat willow
salce mayor
(salguero; sauce blanco; sauce blanco salado; sauce reluciente)
white willow
salce pomal
(sauce cabruno; zargatillo)
goat willow

salce brittle willow; crack willow; white willow
salce blanco white willow; goat willow; pussy willow; great sallow
salce mayor white willow
salce pomal pussy willow; goat willow; great sallow