Spanish–English dictionary

English translation of the Spanish word oloroso

Spanish → English
SpanishEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
cardo oloroso
(cardo cunidor)
creeping thistle
prickly thistle
small‐flowered thistle
fresno oloroso
(fresno de flor; orno; fresno del maná; fresno florido)
flowering ash
manna ash
manzanilla olorosa
(manzanilla; manzanilla de Castilla; manzanilla del huerto; manzanilla de los corrales; manzanilla dulce; manzanilla alemana; manzanilla cimarrona)
Italian chamomile
German chamomile
Hungarian chamomile
scented mayweed
wild chamomile
mastranzo oloroso
apple mint
woolly mint
round‐leaved mint
rondfolia mento
pasto oloroso
(alestaz; flor de flores; grama de olor; gramas de olor; lesta)
sweet vernal grass
holy grass
vanilla grass
ramoncillo oloroso
(cardo cunidor)
creeping thistle
prickly thistle
small‐flowered thistle
viola olorosa
(viola; violeta de jardín; violeta común)
sweet violet
English violet
common violet
florist’s violet
violeta olorosa
(viola; violeta de jardín; violeta común)
sweet violet
English violet
common violet
florist’s violet
; ;

oloroso odorous; sweet; sweet‐scented
cardo oloroso California thistle; Canada thistle; Canadian thistle; corn thistle; creeping thistle; cursed thistle; field thistle; green thistle; hard thistle; lettuce from hell thistle; perennial thistle; prickly thistle; small‐flowered thistle
fresno oloroso manna ash; flowering ash
manzanilla olorosa chamomile; Italian chamomile; German chamomile; Hungarian chamomile; wild chamomile; scented mayweed
pasto oloroso buffalo‐grass; holy grass; sweet vernal grass; vanilla grass
ramoncillo oloroso California thistle; Canada thistle; Canadian thistle; corn thistle; creeping thistle; cursed thistle; field thistle; green thistle; hard thistle; lettuce from hell thistle; perennial thistle; prickly thistle; small‐flowered thistle
viola olorosa common violet; English violet; florist’s violet; sweet violet; wood‐violet
violeta olorosa common violet; English violet; florist’s violet; sweet violet; wood‐violet
olor odour; scent; smell