Spanish–English dictionary

English translation of the Spanish word artemisia

Spanish → English
SpanishEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(chapote; amargaza; amargazón; arrugas; botón de plata común; camamila de los huertos; camomila de Aragón; flor de la calentura; flor de santos; gamaza; hierba de altamira; hierba de Santa María; hierba santa; magarza amarilla; magarzuela; manzanilla botonera; manzanilla brava; manzanillón; margaza; matronaria; Santa María blanca)
(artemisa; artemisa común; artemisa vulgar)
common mugwort
(estafiate; altamisa; amargosa; artemisa; artemisa de México; marco de Perú; santa María)
common ragweed

artemisia American wormwood; annual ragweed; bachelor’s buttons; bitterweed; blackweed; carrot weed; chrysanthemum weed; common mugwort; common ragweed; featherfew; felon herb; feverfew; hay‐fever weed; low ragweed; mugwort; naughty man; old man; old Uncle Henry; riverside wormwood; Roman wormwood; sagebrush; sailor’s tobacco; Saint John’s plant; short ragweed; stammerwort; stickweed; tassel weed; wild wormwood