English–Spanish dictionary

Spanish translation of the English word witness

English → Spanish
EnglishSpanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 I can bring forward three witnesses, and other evidence even more damning.
(attend; be present)
asistir a
estar presente
🔗 Did you witness the accident?
(watch; view)
ser espectador
🔗 She made me witness her play with these things, and when I pointed out the creature that sickened me the most, by magic she gave me its face, the face I wear now.
(attest; bear witness of; testify; certify; vouch)
🔗 Farmer Simon Merveille said he witnessed one of his goats being eaten by wolves.

witness atestiguar; firmar como testigo; presenciar; testigo; testimoniar
bear witness dar testimonio
witness stand banquillo de los testigos; estrado de los testigos
eyewitness testigo ocular; testigo presencial