English–Spanish dictionary

Spanish translation of the English word tennis court

English → Spanish
EnglishSpanish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(woo; romance)
(authoritative source; agency; authority; body; instance)
autoridad jurídica
(courtyard; yard; patio)
(court of law)
tribunal supremo
🔗 Such punishments have little practical effect as Chinese courts do not have jurisdiction in Taiwan, whose government rejects Běijīng’s sovereignty claims.
🔗 Suldrun looked across the chamber to where Casmir stood among the grandees of his court.
🔗 Tennis has been one of the most prominent sports which has continued to welcome Russian and Belarusian athletes at international competitions despite the International Olympic Committee (IOC) executive board’s initial recommendation in February 2022 that they be banned.

tennis court campo de tenis
court atrio; buscar; cancha; corte; cortejar; patio; pista; solicitar; tribunal
tennis tenis