Portuguese translation of the English word loud

English → Portuguese
EnglishPortuguese (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Though he sounded angry, he was barely loud enough for Rand to understand.
(loudly; aloud)
em voz alta
🔗 Pandelume laughed loud.
(loudly; loud)
em voz alta
(megaphone; speaking‐trumpet; bullhorn; blowhorn)
🔗 Noel Ngwenya, 44, from Chivi District of Masvingo Province spends his working‐days in downtown Bulawayo, the country’s second largest city, with a loudhailer advertising a unique service.
(aloud; loud)
em voz alta
🔗 The mayor grumbled under his breath, though not loudly enough to catch her attention, of course, squeezed Rand’s shoulder again, the obediently, if reluctantly, closed the door behind him.

loud alto
aloud em voz alta
loud‐hailer megafone
loudspeaker alto‐falante