Portuguese translation of the English word blind

English → Portuguese
EnglishPortuguese (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(ignore; leave out of account; disregard)
fingir ignorar
não tomar conhecimento
🔗 Let’s just say that for anything that’s illegal, the police can ask for bribes to turn a blind eye.
(be lenient with; indulge; spare; leave; relent)
ser indulgente para
🔗 And they are willing to turn a blind eye to his regime’s myriad human rights abuses, and support his war of aggression against a neighbouring nation, to see their main enemy—the West—defeated.
às cegas

blind cegar; cego; deslumbrar; persiana
blind alley beco‐sem‐saída
blind corner curva sem visibilidade
blind spot cegueira; ponto cego
go blind cegar
turn a blind eye fazer vista grossa
turn a blind eye on fazer vista grossa a
turn a blind eye to fazer vista grossa a
blindly cegamente; à cegas; às cegas
blindness cegueira