English–German dictionary

German translation of the English word dig up

English → German
EnglishGerman (translated indirectly)Esperanto
dig up
(excavate; grub; exhume)
(dig; lift; pull up; unearth; exhume; disinter)
🔗 He tells Conan that if he will help him dig up the treasure while his men are asleep, he will share half of what they find, to which Conan, although suspicious, agrees.
(dig up; lift; pull up; unearth; exhume; disinter)
(grub; spade);
🔗 There it stood still on the night that I dug in Jan Martense’s grave.

dig up aufgabeln; ausgraben; umgraben
dig Ausgrabung; Seitenhieb; Spitze; Stoß; graben; wühlen