English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word that kind of

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
that kind of
(such; such a)
; ; ; ;
zo een
; ; ;
that kind of
zo’n soort
(affable; friendly; kindly; suave; cordial); ;
(good‐hearted; kindly); ;
(sort); ;
🔗 You know what kind of women he’s talking about.
(benign; kindly; accommodating; amiable); ; ;
🔗 He is neither kind nor generous.
(clan; ethnic group; race; tribe; family; kin; people; stock); ;
(benevolent; sympathetic; accommodating; agreeable; amiable)

that kind of zo’n soort
kind aard; aardig; gemoedelijk; genre; goed; goedgunstig; heus; hups; lief; slag; soort; variëteit; vriendelijk