English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word spring action

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(activity; practice); ;
(act; deed; move; step); ; ;
🔗 He hoped a trade war could be avoided but warned that Mr. Trump’s action demonstrated the president was “not willing to stick to the rules”.
(accomplishment; act; deed; measure); ; ;
(battle; scuffle; fight; clash; combat; fray; engagement)
🔗 One document also estimated that between 35,000 and 43,000 Russian forces have been killed in action during the conflict.
(hearing; suit; trial; court case);
(effect; impact)
(functionality; operation; performance; workings)
(activity); ;
(well up; arise; well);
(fountain; source; fount; well; fountain‐head; well‐spring)
(dash; hurtle; rush; surge; leap; shoot forward; spank; zip)
voorwaarts stormen
zich werpen op
🔗 Spring is late everywhere.
(jump; leap)
(come; derive; originate; result; stem);
🔗 Turjan sprang forward, dodging the wild sweep of her sword, seized her around the waist, and dragged her to the ground.

spring action vering
action actie; bedrijf; daad; geding; gevecht; handeling; inwerking; mechaniek; optreden; procedure; proces; rechtsvordering; rechtszaak; verrichting; werking
spring bron; doen dichtslaan; doen opspringen; doen springen; drijfveer; laten springen; lente; ontspringen; ontspruiten; oorsprong; opjagen; opkomen; opschieten; opspringen; plotseling aankomen met; springader; springbron; springen; springen over; sprong; van veren voorzien; veer; veerkracht; veren; verrijzen; voorjaar; voortkomen; voortspruiten