English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word spark coil

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(bobbin; spool; reel);
🔗 Some of the coils are deeply imbedded in the bark.
plotseling doen ontstaan
🔗 That sparked almost daily protests calling for his resignation.

spark coil bobine
coil bocht; inductieklos; ineenkronkelen; klos; kringelen; kronkel; kronkelen; kronkeling; oprollen; rank; spiraal; spiraaltje; spoel; tros; winding; zich ineenkronkelen; zich oprollen
spark genster; greintje; plotseling doen ontstaan; sprank; sprankel; sprankje; starten; vonk; vonken; vonken spatten; vonkje