English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word ship’s papers

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(document; deed; warrant; certificate); ;
🔗 Among those handing their papers to police is Anton Osenev, who says the Russians tried to mobilize him twice to fight against his own country, around his home city of Melitopolʹ.
(hangings; paper‐hangings; wallpaper)
(newspaper; magazine; periodical; mag); ; ;
🔗 Now he declares in a paper just issued in Paris, that everybody will be frozen to death in the year 2011.
(memoir; dissertation)
(report); ;
(dispatch; send off; consign; forward); ;
🔗 Last year, the US accused North Korea of covertly shipping artillery shells to Russia.
🔗 It has few working ships, a result of budget cuts by the ruling African National Congress (ANC).

ship’s papers scheepspapieren
paper agenda; artikel; behangen; behangsel; blaadje; blad; courant; document; geschrift; krant; lijst; met papier beplakken; nieuwsblad; opstel; papier; papieren; prijskamp; stuk; verhandeling; zakje
papers bescheiden; examenopgaven; paperassen; papieren; stukken
ship aan boord nemen; afschepen; afzenden; bodem; expediëren; inladen; innemen; inschepen; per schip verzenden; schip; transporteren; verladen; verschepen; verzenden