English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word sense of purpose

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(aim; goal; target; butt; end; intent; objective; destination; object); ;
🔗 Are these Negroes held here for this purpose?
🔗 Chaldea as the name of a country is used in two different senses.
🔗 For a moment he stood this, every sense alert.
(feel; have a sense of); ;
(feel; feeling; sensation)
(foresight; prudence; reason; wits; common sense);
(perceive; feel)

sense of purpose vastberadenheid
purpose bedoeling; doel; doeleinde; doelwit; oogmerk; toeleg; van plan zijn; vastberadenheid; voorhebben; zich voornemen; zich voorstellen
sense begrijpen; begrip; besef; betekenis; gevoel; gevoelen; gewaarworden; merken; rede; ruiken; verstand; voelen; zin; zintuig