English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word scrap

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(condemn; declare unfit for use)
deklari netaŭga
(dispute; quarrel; argument; controversy; disagreement; row; altercation); ; ; ; ; ;
(estate; fall‐out);
🔗 Comfrey is another thing with a terrible root, and every bit must be got out, as it will grow again from the smallest scrap.
(detritus; garbage; leavings; refuse; trash; waste; clippings; litter)
(liquidate; make disappear; delete; eliminate; do away with); ; ;
🔗 The European Commission had threatened to impose sanctions this week if the reforms were not scrapped.
scrap paper

scrap afdanken; afkeuren; afval; bakkeleien; beetje; brokstuk; buiten dienst stellen; een robbertje vechten; gevecht; kloppartij; knipsel; knokken; kranteknipsel; oud ijzer; oudroest; plaatje; ruzie; schroot; slopen; snipper; snippertje; stukje; uitknipsel; vechtpartij; vodje; zier; zweep
for scrap voor de sloop
have a scrap vechten
scrap dealer schroothandelaar
scrap of paper vodje papier
scrap value restwaarde
scrap‐book plakboek
scrapheap hoop oudroest; ouwe rommel; schroothoop
scrap‐iron oud ijzer; oudroest; schroot
scrap‐metal oudroest; schroot
scrappy fragmentarisch; onsamenhangend; uit stukjes en brokjes bestaand
scraps kliekjes; restjes
scrap‐wood afvalhout
scrap‐yard schroothoop