English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word overhead bridge

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 It seems likely that Russian units destroyed the bridges in an effort to protect their supply lines from further Ukrainian advances.
🔗 Four older ladies were playing bridge at Rose’s house one afternoon.
(above; on top; up; aloft; at the top); ;
🔗 From overhead, from Tam’s bedroom, came a scraping, as of something being dragged across the floor.
(above‐ground; overground; airy; aerial)

overhead bridge luchtbrug
bridge bridge; bridgen; brug; commandobrug; kam; overbruggen; rug; rug van de neus; vioolkam; zich welven
overhead algemene onkosten; boven het hoofd; bovengronds; in de lucht; overhead; overheadkosten