English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word legal aid

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(assist; help; support; attend to);
🔗 Later, I thought, they might aid me.
(assist; help; benefit; attend to; advance; avail);
🔗 They will not aid us.
(help; benefit; assistance);
(help; support; assistance)
(female aid)
(assistant; helper; adjunct; aide);
(assistant; helper; auxiliary);
(statutory); ; ;
🔗 The legal limit is 80 mg.
(law; juridical);
🔗 The PM will have sought extensive legal advice on exactly what the Benn Act requires him to do.

legal aid gratis rechtsbijstand
aid bevorderen; bijdragen tot; bijstaan; bijstand; ezelsbruggetje; financiële hulp; financiële noodhulp; helpen; helper; helpster; hulp; hulpmiddel; onderstand; steun; subsidie
legal gerechtelijk; juridisch; legaal; rechterlijk; rechtsgeldig; rechtsgeleerd; rechtskundig; rechts‐; wets‐; wettelijk; wettig