English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word last‐ditch attempt

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(aim; endeavour; take steps; undertake; strive; set about; busy oneself about; try hard; exert oneself; bother)
(effort; endeavour; exertion; working)
(aim; endeavour; try; exert; strain; strive; bid); ;
(test; try; pilot; prove; sample; assay; try out);
🔗 Scales attempted to follow.
(test; bid; rehearsal; shot; trial; try)
(effort; trouble; endeavour; bid; fag)

last‐ditch attempt wanhoopspoging
attempt aanslag; beproeven; ondernemen; pogen; poging; proberen; proeve; toeleg; trachten
last‐ditch ultiem; wanhoops