English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word honourable intentions

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(above‐board; honest; upright; forthright);
🔗 These both are honourable men and since we have been in prison together we have become good friends.
(plan; intent); ;
; ;
🔗 The US has observed Ukrainian forces achieve some success in attacking Russian supply lines, with the intention of cutting off and isolating Russian troops currently deployed west of the Dnipro river, according to a senior US official.

honourable intentions eerbare bedoelingen
honourable achtbaar; edelachtbaar; eerbaar; eerlijk; eervol; eerwaardig; eerzaam; geacht; hooggeboren
intention bedoeling; intentie; oogmerk; plan; toeleg; voornemen