English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word holiday residence

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Of course the schoolmaster gave holiday for that afternoon.
(spare time; time off; vacation; leave; leisure);
(dwelling‐place; domicile)
(abode; dwelling)
🔗 The search operation at K̲h̲an’s residence could trigger more violence as the South Asian country grapples with political and economic instability.

holiday residence vakantieverblijf
holiday dag vakantie; de vakantie doorbrengen; feest; feestdag; feest‐; vakantie; vakantie houden; vakantie nemen; vakantiedag; vakantie‐; verlof
residence huis; inwoning; lokaliteit; verblijf; verblijfplaats; woning; woonplaats