English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word blue curls

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
blue curls
(common self‐heal; heal‐all; heart‐of‐the‐earth; carpenter’s herb; brownwort; woundwort)
(wisp; lock);
🔗 From beneath a round white cap soft golden curls hung to her shoulders.
(froth; stir; whip; whirl; beat; whisk); ;

blue curls gewone brunel
curl friseren; ineenkronkelen; kringelen; kroezen; kronkel; kronkelen; kronkeling; krul; krullen; krulziekte; lok; minachtend omkrullen; minachtend optrekken; rimpelen; ómkrullen