English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word bar‐iron

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(obstruct; dam; exclude; block; stem);
(pub; barroom; tavern);
(barring; except for; subject to; without prejudice)
kun rezervo pri
(pub; public house)
(block; corner); ;
(buffet; counter)
(pole; rod; handle; shaft; staff; stake; stave; spar); ; ; ;
🔗 The bar has broken his bones.
(obstruction; barrier)
(barrier; fence); ;
(dam; boom; barrage)
(slab; tablet)
(tavern; inn);
(measure; measurement)
(bolt; fasten); ;
(bolt); ;
(ray; strip; stripe; streak; band; swath)
(hindrance; deterrent; handicap; impediment; obstacle; obstruction)
(brick; piece; cake; ingot; pig; briquette)
(legal profession)
(outside of; except; apart from)
🔗 AEI was then forgotten by all bar a few.
(exclude; ostracize; rule out);
🔗 Giuliani was temporarily barred from practising law in New York State in 2021 for fighting the 2020 election results with “demonstrably false and misleading statements”, while a Washington DC bar association committee wants him disbarred entirely.
🔗 The door was stout, the windows small and crossed by iron.
🔗 Yet the timing and circumstances of the crash strongly suggest that it was an act of revenge by president Vladimir Putin against the man who nearly caused him to lose control of the country he has been leading with an iron fist for decades.

bar‐iron staafijzer
bar advocatuur; afsluiten; baar; balie; balk; bar; barrière; behalve; belemmering; beletten; bezetten; boom; buffet; draaiboom; exceptie; hindernis; kroeg; lat; maat; maatstreep; met een barrière sluiten; met een boom sluiten; reep; slagboom; sluitboom; sperboom; sperren; spijl; springlat; staaf; stang; streep; strepen; tap; tapkast; tralie; uitsluiten; verhinderen; versperren; weren; zandbank
iron <soort golfstok>; boeien; bout; brandijzer; ijzer; ijzeren; ijzersterk; in de ijzers slaan; kluisteren; met ijzer beslaan; opstrijken; stalen; strijken; strijkijzer