English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word at the risk of his life

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it.
(liveliness; vitality; vivacity)
(life imprisonment)
ĝismorta malliberigo
🔗 He would lead a life of crime.
(hazard; venture; put at risk)
op het spel zetten
; ;
🔗 He could not risk the village on the chance Moraine was wrong.
(hazard; venture; chance)
🔗 And to many, the risk to Trump’s presidency is obvious.
(run risks)
🔗 She said most Russians don’t want this war, but they risk going to gaol if they try to stand up to Putin.

at the risk of his life met gevaar voor eigen leven; met levensgevaar
life duur; handel en wandel; leven; levensbeschrijving; levensduur; levenslang; levenswandel; levenswijze; leventje; mensenleven
risk avonturen; gevaar; op het spel zetten; risico; riskeren; wagen