English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word at one

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(compensate; indemnify; redress; reimburse)
(beside; by; near; near to; next to; alongside);
🔗 At his elbow a voice said: “I am Chun the Unavoidable.”
(by; on; upon; over; to); ; ; ; ; ; ;
🔗 The herd was valued at about £ 20,000, the force said
(beside; with; by; next to; in the case of; among; on); ;
🔗 You defeated me at the Gates of Paaran Disen.
(at the rate of; a; per; an; each; for; all; apiece);
(because of; for; for sake of; on account of; owing to; through; for the sake of; from; in favour of; due to; in; by reason of; in the light of); ; ; ;
🔗 She licked her lips at the audacity.
(on; upon; onto; in; aboard; atop);
(toward; towards; for; to); ; ; ; ; ;
🔗 Guyal glanced once again at the sun.
(during; for; by; over); ; ;
(compensation; indemnification; redress; reimbursement; amends)
(they; you; people; we; a fellow; a man);
🔗 How does one find Pandelume, then?
🔗 One in six care workers in the UK is from overseas, but very few earn the £ 25,600 threshold proposed by the committee.
(some kind of; any; some);
een of andere
(anybody; somebody; someone; anyone)
🔗 Where may one be found?
🔗 Does Islam worship the one god of Abraham, like Jews and Christians, or some other god?

at one eensgezind
atone boeten; goedmaken; in overeenstemming brengen; verzoenen
atone for boeten voor
at aan; bij; in; met; naar; om; op; over; te; tegen; tot; van; voor; à; à raison van
atonement boete; schadeloosstelling; vergoeding; verzoening; voldoending
one de een; een; een en dezelfde; een enkele; een zekere; eentje; ene; iemand; je; men; één