English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word apply oneself to

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(practice); ;
(cover with)
kovri per
(attach; put onto; add; append; assign; paste; place);
(ask; ask for; beg; bid; request; seek; apply for); ; ; ; ;
zich aanmelden
anonci sin
(affix; attach; append)
(concern; relate; pertain; refer; affect); ; ; ;
zich verhouden
omgang hebben
(be valid; count; run);
van toepassing zijn
(turn around; turn back; turn round; turn; recourse; resort; wheel; whirl); ; ; ; ;
(anoint; smear; spread; grease); ; ;
(claim; presume; allege; plead)
🔗 Over 23 million people applied.
🔗 These operators can be applied to strings as well as numbers.
🔗 Originally, its name referred only to the area around the Bay of Balar, but in time the name was also applied to the entire land.

apply oneself to zich toeleggen op
apply aanbrengen; aanleggen; aanwenden; gebruiken; gelden; inschrijven; leggen; omleggen; opbrengen; solliciteren; toepassen; treffen; van toepassing zijn; zich aanmelden; zich opgeven; zich vervoegen