English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word New Year’s wish

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(desire; want; be anxious; be eager; be keen); ;
🔗 It shall be as you wish.
(desire; want; yen);
🔗 What is your wish?
(be willing to; want; will)
🔗 What do you wish me to do?
(will; volition);
🔗 A big victory for the government before the end of the year would doubtless be welcome.
🔗 All Russian men aged 18–27 must serve one year in the military but a large share avoids the draught for health reasons or deferments granted to university students

New Year’s wish nieuwjaarswens
wish begeren; toewensen; verlangen; wens; wensen
year jaar; jaartal