English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word sometimes

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(several times; occasionally)
en algunes ocasions definibles
🔗 Gerasimov has sometimes gone weeks without public appearances and was not seen at the Victory Day parade in Moscow last year, which at the time led to speculation about his position.
(a little; rather; somewhat; to some extent; a bit; slightly; some amount; any amount; a little bit; a touch; a trifle)
una mica
un poc
un xic
🔗 Bachmut and the surrounding area has seen some of the most ferocious fighting of the war.
(some kind of; one; any)
alguna mena de
de qualsevol mena
una mena de
🔗 The price for doing so would almost certainly be a commitment to some kind of second Brexit referendum.
🔗 Many times had Maziran tried to take her.
(course; length; space; span; duration)
🔗 Then they waited in silence for what seemed a long time.
(instant; moment)
(chance; event; occurrence; opportunity; instance; occasion; case)
🔗 Time has taught them no wisdom?
🔗 That doesn’t leave me much time.
🔗 At the exact centre longitude of a time zone, the phenomenon occurs exactly at noon, local time.
🔗 After some time he felt for his pipe.
🔗 Putin’s war is creating more troubles at the worst possible time.

sometimes algunes vegades; de vegades
some alguns; uns; uns quants
time hora; temps; època