English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word something

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(anything; a certain something; a thing)
alguna cosa
🔗 Suddenly he discovered something.
(thing; item; stuff; object);
(a little; rather; somewhat; to some extent; a bit; slightly; some amount; any amount; a little bit; a touch; a trifle)
una mica
un poc
un xic
🔗 Bachmut and the surrounding area has seen some of the most ferocious fighting of the war.
(some kind of; one; any)
alguna mena de
de qualsevol mena
una mena de
🔗 The price for doing so would almost certainly be a commitment to some kind of second Brexit referendum.
(article; object; subject)
(item; something; stuff; object)
🔗 It was an odd thing Tam had taught him.

something alguna cosa; quelcom
some alguns; uns; uns quants
thing cosa