English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word devil

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Those who had glimpsed it called it simply a devil.
devil’s cucumber
(apple of Peru; thorn‐apple; Jimson weed; devil’s snare; moonflower; hell’s bells; devil’s trumpet; Jamestown weed; stinkweed; locoweed)
castanya talpera
herba de l’asma
herba de l’ofec
herba talpera
devil’s flax
(common toadflax; yellow toadflax; bridewort; butter haycocks; bread and butter; flaxweed; monkey‐flower)
ordinara linario
devil’s flower
(common toadflax; yellow toadflax; bridewort; butter haycocks; bread and butter; flaxweed; monkey‐flower)
ordinara linario
devil’s grass
(Bermuda grass; dog’s tooth grass; Bahama grass; wiregrass; scutch grass)
fingra cinodonto
devil’s snare
(apple of Peru; thorn‐apple; Jimson weed; moonflower; hell’s bells; devil’s trumpet; Jamestown weed; stinkweed; locoweed; devil’s cucumber)
castanya talpera
herba de l’ofec
herba talpera
devil’s trumpet
(apple of Peru; thorn‐apple; Jimson weed; devil’s snare; moonflower; hell’s bells; Jamestown weed; stinkweed; locoweed; devil’s cucumber)
castanya talpera
herba de l’asma
herba de l’ofec
herba talpera
devil’s weed
(apple of Peru; thorn‐apple; Jimson weed; devil’s snare; moonflower; hell’s bells; devil’s trumpet; Jamestown weed; stinkweed; locoweed; devil’s cucumber)
castanya talpera
herba de l’asma
herba de l’ofec
mountain devil
(thorny dragon; thorny devil; thorny lizard; moloch)
diable espinós
thorny devil
(thorny dragon; mountain devil; thorny lizard; moloch)
diable espinós
(love‐in‐a‐mist; ragged lady; devil‐in‐the‐bush)
flor d’aranya
(corn buttercup; scratch burr)
ranuncle arvense

devil diable; dimoni
devil’s cucumber castanya talpera; estramoni; herba de l’asma; herba de l’ofec; herba talpera
devil’s flax palometa
devil’s flower palometa
devil’s grass agram; gram; grama
devil’s snare castanya talpera; estramoni; herba de l’ofec; herba talpera
devil’s trumpet castanya talpera; estramoni; herba de l’asma; herba de l’ofec; herba talpera
devil’s weed castanya talpera; estramoni; herba de l’asma; herba de l’ofec
mountain devil diable espinós
thorny devil diable espinós
devil‐in‐a‐bush flor d’aranya; niella
devilish diabòlic
devil‐on‐all‐sides botó d’or; ranuncle arvense