English–Catalan dictionary

Catalan translation of the English word above all

English → Catalan
EnglishCatalan (translated indirectly)Esperanto
above all
(chiefly; principally; mainly; notably)
(over; beyond; up)
(on top; overhead; up; aloft; at the top)
a dalt
🔗 Each scrutinized the conduct of those above, while concealing his own affairs from those below.
(before; in front of; to; ahead of; ago)
abans de
davant de
(every kind of)
cada mena de
tota mena de
(altogether; everything)
🔗 I hope that’s all.
(all of it; the whole quantity; the full amount; everything)
(at all; entirely; quite; wholly; absolutely; altogether; utterly; starkly)
🔗 And after a week of huge losses on the battlefield, this must worry the man who once believed his war would all be over in a few days.
(at the rate of; a; per; an; at; each; for; apiece)
a raó de

above all sobretot
above a dalt; amunt; damunt; més amunt de; per sobre de
all tot; tota; totes; tots