English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word the fifth wheel of a coach

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(carriage; waggon; van; truck);
🔗 The collision derailed two coaches carrying more than 90 people on the stationary train, the official told Reuters.
(bus; motor‐bus)
(instructor; trainer)
(turn around; turn back; turn round; turn; recourse; resort; whirl; apply)

the fifth wheel of a coach die vyfde wiel aan die wa
coach afrig; afrigter; brei; breier; dresseer; dresseerder; dril; drilbaas; driller; drilmeester; koets; oefen; oefenmeester; passasierswa; privaatonderwyser; rytuig; vervoer; voorberei
wheel draai; fiets; in ’n kring beweeg; krink; laat swenk; omdraai; omkeer; rat; rol; rolletjie; swaai; swenk; swenking; wiel