English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word stand the test

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 She went to stand by the window.
(opinion; contention; sentiment; view; viewpoint)
(viewpoint; point of view; angle; outlook; position; stance; standpoint)
(erect; establish; institute; pitch; raise; set; set up; set down)
🔗 He changed directions, turned once, twice, a third time, then stood his horse to listen.
(position; locus; posture)
🔗 Almost no buildings are still standing in Robotyne after weeks of fighting in the area.
(examination; investigation; review; scrutiny; survey)
(attempt; try; pilot; prove; sample; assay; try out)
(attempt; bid; rehearsal; shot; trial; try)
(examine; scrutinize; survey)
🔗 Every latex condom is tested for holes with an electrical current.

stand the test die proef deurstaan
stand bestand wees teen; betaal; bly; deurstaan; erf; gaan staan; hom kandidaat stel; kandidaat wees; kraampie; laat staan; opstel; pawiljoen; posisie; raamwerk; rak; staan; staanplek; stalletjie; stand; standertjie; standplaas; standpunt; stel; stelling; stilstaan; stilstand; toelaat; trakteer; trakteer op; tribune; uithou; van krag bly; van krag wees; veel; verdra; verdraag; verhoog; voetstuk; weerstaan; weerstand; ónderstel
test beproef; dop; keur; meting; ondersóék; op die proef stel; proef; reagens; skaal; smeltkroes; toets; toetssteen; toetswedstryd; óndersoek