English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word spaceman

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(astronaut; cosmonaut)
(human being; human);
🔗 What sort of men were they who tended these fires?
(fellow; male; bloke)
🔗 There was no light, but I knew from the empty space at my right that Tobey was gone, God alone knew whither.
(course; length; span; time; duration)

man bediende; beman; beset; eggenoot; keersy; man; manlik; mans‐; mansmens; mens; mensekind; moed inpraat; persoon; skepsel; soldaat; stuk
space bestek; duur; plek; ruimte; ruk; spasie; spasieer; toonafstand; tyd; uitgebreidheid