English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word raise bread

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(breed; bring up; educate; rear)
(lever; lift; elevate; heave; hoist; heave up)
🔗 According to German authorities, in several towns across the country including Mainz, Braunschweig and Heilbronn, Israeli flags raised in solidarity with the country were torn down and destroyed, sometimes in just a few hours.
(gather; assemble)
(erect; establish; institute; pitch; set; stand; set up; set down)

raise bread brood laat rys
raise aanhef; aankweek; aanleiding gee tot; aanvoer; bevorder; bou; grootbring; grootmaak; hef; inbring; insamel; kweek; lig; op die been bring; opbou; ophef; opklap; oplig; oprig; oproep; opslaan; opslag; optel; opwerp; regop sit; rysgang; rysing; teel; verbou; verhef; verhoging; verhoog; veroorsaak; versamel; verwek; werf