English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word meet the eye

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Use your eyes!
(hole; puncture)
(look; look at; behold; view; watch)
🔗 Several of the women eyed him sideways.
(assemble; congregate; gather; convene; come along);
🔗 The ANC’s executive committee met in Pretoria for 13 hours Monday in an attempt to end a standoff with Zuma, who is steadfastly resisting pressure to resign.
(meet with; run into)
🔗 You have never met him.

meet the eye in die oog kyk; sigbaar word
eye aanskou; begluur; bekyk; beskou; dophou; gadeslaan; gat; maas; nakyk; oog; ring; sien; waarneem
meet aantref; afhaal; bestry; bevredig; byeenkom; byeenkoms; bymekaarkom; die hoof bied; inwillig; jaggeselskap; nakom; ontmoet; raakloop; saamkom; saamkom met; teëkom; tref; vergaderplek; voldoen aan; voorsien in