English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word many a one

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(numerous; many a; plenty of; a fair few; a good few; a good many; a great many; a pack of; lots of); ;
🔗 PHP has many functions to work with strings.
(they; you; people; we; a fellow; a man);
🔗 How does one find Pandelume, then?
🔗 One in six care workers in the UK is from overseas, but very few earn the £ 25,600 threshold proposed by the committee.
(anybody; somebody; someone; anyone)
🔗 Where may one be found?

many a one baie; menigeen
many baie; heelwat; menigte; vele
one een; enigste; mens; ’n mens; ’n seker; ’n sekere