English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word home district

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(circuit; bailiwick)
🔗 Andrij Njebytov, head of the Kyiv region police, said more than 800 bodies had been found in three districts which had been occupied by Russian forces.
(neighbourhood; quarter; area; ward)
🔗 Anyway, that’s why we’re going home.

home district tuisdistrik
district distrik; gebied; landstreek; streek; wyk
home aanpeil; binnelands; bof; deur en deur; domisilie; geboortegrond; gestig; huis toe; huis toe gaan; huislik; huisves; huis‐; kragtig; land; op die man af; op sy plek; raak; stigting; tehuis; terugkom; tuisplek; tuiste; vaderland; verbeterhuis; verblyf; woon; woonplek; ’n tehuis verskaf