English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word give somebody enough rope to hang himself

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(execute by hanging; swing);
🔗 Do you think that he’s going to hang those men?
🔗 In the west the sun hung close to the old Earth.
(droop; hang down; cling)

give somebody enough rope to hang himself iemand vryheid van beweging laat om sy eie ongeluk te bewerk
hang behang; hang; helling; neiging; ophang; opskorting; plak; rigting; skavotteer; val; vertraging
rope aanmekaarrye; aanmekaarryg; draderig word; in ’n onderneming kry; inhou; koord; lyn; met ’n tou vang; omspán; tou; vang; vasbind; vasmaak