English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word don’t breathe a word of it

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 He hardly dared to breathe for fear he might be heard.
🔗 Words are divided into various classes.
🔗 It is impossible to find words that could describe the level of cruelty and cynicism with which the Russian occupiers are destroying the civilian population of the Ukrainian city by the sea.
🔗 Suldrun’s mouth moved, but no words came.

don’t breathe a word of it moenie ’n woord daarvan rep nie
breathe adem; asem; asemhaal; blaas; fluister; laat blaas; lug gee; slaak; uit; uitasem
word berig; bevel; bewoord; formuleer; inklee; onder woorde bring; parool; tyding; wagwoord; woord