English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word discontent

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(contents; substance)
🔗 Each text is followed by a small number of questions relating to the content, which the student should attempt to answer (preferably aloud) in order to ensure his understanding of the text and also to acquire some conversational practice.
(contented; pleased; satisfied; gratified; happy)
🔗 Indeed I am content with Vale Evander.

discontent misnoeë; misnoeg; ontevrede; ontevrede maak; ontevredenheid; onvergenoegdheid
foster discontent kwaad saad saai
content bevredig; gehalte; tevrede; tevrede stel; tevredenheid; vergenoeg; voldaan; voldaanheid; volume
discontented misnoeg; ontevrede; onvergenoeg
discontentment ontevredenheid