English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word change of clothes

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(variation; fluctuation; variance; varying)
(alteration; conversion; transformation)
(clothing; apparel; garb; array; attire; robes; togs)
🔗 The rest of the clothes—most of them, in fact—he stuffed back into the wardrobe.

change of clothes verkoning
change afstap; afwissel; draai; kleingeld; kleinmaak; omkleding; omruil; omset; oorgang; oorskakel; oorstap; ruil; skoon klere; uitkeergeld; variasie; verander; verandering; verklee; verruil; verstel; verwissel; wissel; wysig; wysiging
clothes kleding; klere