English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word bring into line

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(fetch; fetch and carry; retrieve)
🔗 They have brought a ram.
(convey; supply; bring by vehicle)
(send for; get; fetch)
🔗 Mazirian brought him close to earth.
(fetch; get; pick up)
(conduct; guide; lead; channel; wage; drive; show; usher)
🔗 Bring her to me.
(cause; give rise to; provoke; result in; inflict; wreak)
🔗 Pounding on the door brought only a single shout from the mayor.
(file; rank; row; queue; round; run; sequence; bank; string)
🔗 These were followed by the long line of prisoners accompanied by another officer and a small guard.
(thread; yarn)

bring into line in ooreenstemming bring; oorhaal om saam te werk
bring aanbring; aanvoer; bring; opbring; saambring; veroorsaak
line afteken; artikel; beset; besigheid; bloedlyn; briefie; draad; ewenaar; gelid; geslag; grens; grens aan; groef; in gelid stel; koord; linie; linieer; lyn; onderstreep; reeks; reël; reëltjie; rigsnoer; rigting; rimpel; ry; skets; sliert; snoer; soort; spoor; stoomvaartlyn; strafreël; streep; tou; uitstraat; uitvoer; vak; versreël; vislyn; voering insit; ware; waslyn; ’n lyn trek