English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word beat black and blue

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(hit; strike; wallop; jab; belabour; belt)
🔗 His promiscuity ended up being his demise however after a husband caught his wife in bed with John XII and beat the pope so badly, that he died three days later from his injuries.
(curl; froth; stir; whip; whirl; whisk)
(defeat; win over; overcome; surmount; vanquish; get the better of)
🔗 If we can beat you here, we can beat you anywhere.
(tack; tack about; beat up against the wind)
🔗 All his clothes were black.

beat black and blue bont en blou slaan; pimpel en pers slaan
beat aanklop; aanklots; afklop; beuk; bons; déúrsoek; jagveld; klap; klits; klop; klots; kneus; laat klink; maatslag; pak gee; patrollie; polsslag; ritme; roer; roffel; ronde; rondgang; slaan; slag; striem; strop; teen die wind seil; tik; uitklop; uitstof; vel; wen; wiks; wyk
black brandkoring; donker; duister; roet; rouklere; somber; swart; swart klere; swart maak; swart vlek; swartnerf; swartsel; swartskepsel; swartsmeer; waks
blue bleu; blou; blousel; geleerd; in die blousel steek; insigne; lug; neerslagtig; verkwis