English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word an old bird is not caught with chaff

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 He would take the form of a bird and fly down.
(grapple; captivate; grab; seize; trap; apprehend; bag; grasp; snare)
🔗 He catches the helmet, which now has over 20 holes in it, and gives it back to George.
(hit; strike; attain; encounter; find; run up against; befall; betide; ravage)
(realize; understand; appreciate; apprehend; comprehend; fathom);
(have; receive; get);
🔗 In years of high roe‐deer densities, the wolves still preferred to catch wild boar.

an old bird is not caught with chaff ’n ou voël laat hom nie met kaf vang nie
bird nooi; voël
catch aanwins; afkom op; beetpak; besmetlik wees; betrap; beurtsang; brokstuk; buit; gewilde ding; gewilde persoon; greep; gryp; haak; haal; inhaal; klink; knip; opvang; raak; raakslaan; snap; strikvraag; trek; vang; vanghou; vangs; vat; voordeel
chaff gekskeer; iets waardeloos; kaf; pla; plaag; plae; plaery; skerts; terg; terge; têre