English–Afrikaans dictionary

Afrikaans translation of the English word China

English → Afrikaans
EnglishAfrikaans (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 The second patient did not travel to China.
🔗 They can make a better living working in a low‐wage Chinese amusement park than at home in the Ukraine.
(Chinese language)
🔗 Before the Cultural Revolution, Máo had launched the industrialization and agricultural modernisation campaign known as the Great Leap Forward, creating a famine that led to the deaths of tens of millions of Chinese.

china breekgoed; porselein
China Sjina
a bull in a china shop ’n aap in ’n porseleinkas
china egg porseleineier
china shop porseleinwinkel
eggshell china baie fyne porselein
like a bull in a china shop soos ’n bul in ’n glashuis
china‐chest porseleinkas
china‐clay porseleinklei
china‐closet uitstalkas
China‐ink Oos‐Indiese ink
Chinaman Sjinees
chinaware porseleingoed
Chinese Sjinees
sinologist sinoloog
sinologue sinoloog