
Catalan–English dictionary

English translation of the Catalan word salvatge

Catalan → English
CatalanEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
donzell salvatge
(altimira; donzell fals; donzell vulgar; herba de somer)
common mugwort
gall salvatge
(gall fer; gall fer comú)
; ; ;
wood grouse
heather cock
cock of the woods
cock of the wood
(gall fer; gall fer comú; gall salvatge); ; ;
wood grouse
heather cock
cock of the woods
cock of the wood
pastanaga salvatge
(bufanaga; xirivia)

salvatge barbarous; savage; wild
donzell salvatge chrysanthemum weed; common mugwort; felon herb; mugwort; naughty man; old man; old Uncle Henry; riverside wormwood; sailor’s tobacco; Saint John’s plant; wild wormwood
gall salvatge capercaillie; cock of the wood; cock of the woods; Eurasian capercaille; heather cock; western capercaille; wood grouse
indiot salvatge capercaillie; cock of the wood; cock of the woods; Eurasian capercaille; heather cock; western capercaille; wood grouse
pastanaga salvatge parsnip