Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word straf‐

Afrikaans → English
AfrikaansEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Hy verdien die straf wat aan hom opgelê is.
; ;
🔗 Bowendien word lande wat in gebreke bly, met yslike boetes gestraf.
🔗 Meer as 100 mense is verlede jaar in Viëtnam die doodstraf opgelê, aldus die nieregeringsorganisatie Death Penalty Information Center.

straf‐ penal; punitive
straf affliction; amerce; austere; castigate; chasten; chastisement; correct; penalize; penalty; rigorous; rigorously; infliction; mulct; pain; penance; punish; punishment; sconce; severe; smite; swinge; toco; visit
op straffe des doods on pain of death
op straf van on penalty of; under pain of; on punishment of; under penalty of
straf oplê award punishment
sy straf uitsit serve one’s time; serve a sentence
bestraf amerce; animadvert; censure; correct; scold; rebuke; reprimand; reprove; school; snub; trim
doodstraf capital punishment; death sentence; extreme penalty
geldstraf fine
gevangenisstraf imprisonment
halsstraf capital punishment
liggaamstraf corporal punishment
lyfstraf corporal punishment
strafbaar actionable; chastisable; culpable; punishable; guilty; indictable; penal
strafbeding penalty clause
strafbevoegdheid power of punishment
strafdoel penalty goal
strafdrie penalty goal
strafdril fatigue‐drill
straffeloos with impunity
straffend punitive; vindicatory
strafgelde surcharge
strafhersiening revision of punishment
strafhoek penalty corner
strafhou penalty stroke
strafkolonie penal colony; penal settlement
strafloos with impunity
strafmaatreël sanction
strafoefening penalty drill
strafoplegging imposition of punishment
strafplaas place of execution
strafpleging execution of punishment
strafport overcharge; additional postage; surcharge
strafpredikasie lecture; reproof
strafprediker moralist; reprover
strafpreek sermon
strafreël line
strafreg criminal law
strafregister dossier; punishment‐book; record
strafsaak criminal case
strafskepskop penalty drop
strafskop free kick; penalty kick
strafskuldig culpable; guilty
straftyd term
strafverandering commutation of punishment
strafvermindering mitigation of punishment
strafversagting commutation of punishment
strafvoltrekking execution of punishment; penalty; punishment
strafwaardig culpable; guilty
strafwerk detention work; imposition; punishment
strafwet penal law
strafworp penalty throw
strawwer chastiser
tronkstraf imprisonment; lagging