Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word spook‐

Afrikaans → English
AfrikaansEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Die skildwagte probeer Hamlet se vriend, Horatio, daarvan oortuig dat hulle koning Hamlet se spook gesien het.

spook‐ spectral
spook apparition; bogey; bogle; haunt; fright; ghost; goblin; hobgoblin; phantom; shadow; spectre; spook; sprite
dit spook hier this place is haunted
gespook scramble; struggle
nagspook succuba; succubus
spokery apparition; devilment; fighting; haunting; row
spookagtig apparitional; weird; ghastly; ghostlike; ghostly; mysterious; phantasmal; phantomatic; spectral; spookish; spooky; uncanny; unearthly
spookasem candy‐floss
spookbeeld phantom; spectre
spookdier spectral tarsier
spookgestalte phantom; spectre
spookhuis haunted house
spookpop golliwog
spooksel goblin; phantom
spookskip phantom ship; spectre‐ship
spooksprinkaan walking‐stick insect; stick‐insect
spookverhaal ghost‐story