Afrikaans–English dictionary

English translation of the Afrikaans word gesel

Afrikaans → English
AfrikaansEnglish (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 Haar ma, mevrou Marian Robinson, en die Obamas se twee dogters, Malia en Sasha, sal haar op die reis vergesel.

gesél companion; mate
ambagsgesel improver
gesellig clubbable; companionable; conversable; conversational; cosy; sociable; chummy; homelike; convivial; gregarious; genial; snug; livable; maty; social
gesellin companion
geselstaal colloquial language
handwerkgesel journeyman
lewensgesel helpmate; helpmeet
varensgesel sailor; seaman
vergesel accompany; attend; companion; keep company with; escort; gallant