Información sobre la palabra as well as (inglés → Esperanto: kaj ankaŭ)

Sinónimos: and … as well, and also, together with

Categoría gramaticaladverbo
Separaciónas well as
Alfabeto shaviano𐑨𐑟 𐑢𐑧𐑤 𐑨𐑟
Alfabeto Deseret𐐰𐑆 𐐶𐐯𐑊 𐐰𐑆

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Another major concern for the country is local government debt, which has soared largely due to a sharp drop in land sale revenues because of the property slump, as well as the lingering impact of the cost of imposing pandemic lockdowns.
But Russia’s military said it troops had “repelled nine attacks” by Ukrainian forces in the Robotyne area, as well as around the Verbove village to the south‐east.